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  • louiselachmann

We need more female investors

The numbers speaks for themselves 👆 Today, 9 out of 10 angel investors are men which may have an impact on which entrepreneurs get funding. According to an analysis by Unconventional Ventures only 1.6 per cent of the investment capital from angel investors goes to female entrepreneurs. This despite the fact that every fourth entrepreneur is a woman.

We are missing out on great business opportunities 🌟 and we need to change that. Therefore we are looking for 10 female business angels who seek to inspire, change and invest in the Danish startup ecosystem. So help by nominating a cool risk-willing woman that’s on your mind. Or maybe you are the one, so don't hesitate to nominate yourself.

Nominate your candidate here

I am proud to be in the jury with 8 amazing people from the Danish startup ecosystem Susanne Brønnum, Stine Mølgaard Sørensen, Nina Haldipur, Sara Sande, Michael Bjørnlund, Kristine Leerbeck & Marianne Hyltoft

The initiative is taken by Dansk Industri and Angella Invest and backed by a number of important players in the Danish ecosystem of entrepreneurs, including EIFO (Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund), PreSeed Ventures, Antler og Mazanti.

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